Smarter Use of Energy Key to Greener Future, says study

Despite a slew of innovations to optimize efficiency of electric energy, which includes LED lightbulbs, electric vehicles, programmable thermostats, and high-density insulation, in the U.S., about two-thirds of the energy produced is lost in inefficiency.

Meanwhile, it’s a dire number of scientists and economists who work on the barrier between people and sustainable future, nonetheless, modern data management is helping to reduce it.

“The amount of energy available is abundant, but it is not used wisely,” says a researcher at University of Georgia Regents.

It is commonly observed, heating rooms when there is no one in them, or even the use of wrong lighting settings for the use of the room. Energy inefficiency of some of these might be minor, but, it can make a big impact if these changes throughout a large institution or across a number of institutions.

The researcher at University of Georgia Regents and his research co-author pioneered energy informatics across a number of universities. For the past decade, the focus has been on research and training students to use big data analysis to optimize energy use systems in universities, skyscrapers, factories, and other large scale energy users.

Initiatives of Department of MIS favor Energy Informatics Studies

“Energy informatics is embraced by many universities around the world, and a journal and conference have been created with large number of scholars contributing to this stream of research,” stated the head of the department of management information systems at Terry College of Business.

Moreover, it is exciting that many undergraduate and graduate students get the opportunity to learn about energy informatics through the elective class that department of management information systems has been offering since 2011.

The attention now is on energy informatics of greenhouses to produce fresh flowers and vegetables.